Life is luck , make it............. Life is life , fight for it

May 31, 2010

BP origins is from Iran

logo of BP click on pic. to enlarge and read
Anglo-Persian Oil Company:
The Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) was founded in 1908 following the discovery of a large oil field in Masjed Soleiman, Iran. It was the first company using the oil reserves of the Middle East. APOC was renamed Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) in 1935 and eventually became the British Petroleum Company (BP) in 1954, as one root of the BP Company today.
In 1901 William Knox D'Arcy, a millionaire London socialite, negotiated an oil concession with the Shah Mozzafar al-Din Shah Qajar of Persia. He assumed exclusive rights to prospect for oil for 60 years in a vast tract of territory including most of Iran. In exchange the Shah received £20,000, an equal amount in shares of D'Arcy's company, and a promise of 16% of future profits.
D'Arcy hired geologist George Bernard Reynolds to do the prospecting in the Iranian desert. Conditions were extremely harsh: "small pox raged, bandits and warlords ruled, water was all but unavailable, and temperatures often soared past 50°C [122°F]".After several years of prospecting, DArcy's fortune dwindled away and he was forced to sell most of his rights to a Glasgow-based syndicate, the Burmah Oil Company."
By 1908 having sunk more than £500,000 into their Persian venture and found no oil, D'Arcy and Burmah decided to abandon exploration in Iran. In early May 1908 they sent Reynolds a telegram telling him that they had run out of money and ordering him to "cease work, dismiss the staff, dismantle anything worth the cost of transporting to the coast for re-shipment, and come home." Reynolds delayed following these orders and in a stroke of luck, struck oil shortly after on May 26, 1908.
more information here

May 29, 2010

اطلاق موقع الشيخ-محمد-بن-راشد.امارات.... His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid website launched with Arabic domain name

أعلن المكتب الإعلامي لحكومة دبي اليوم إطلاق العنوان الإلكتروني العربي للموقع الشخصي لصاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي ” رعاه الله “
وقال المكتب الإعلامي ان الموقع الخاص بصاحب السمو نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي يمكن الوصول اليه الآن باستخدام اللغة العربية عبر أي من العنوانين
The Government of Dubai Media Office has announced the launch of the Arabic domain name of the website of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai.The move follows a historic breakthrough after the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority won approval from the Internet Corporation Assigned for Names and Numbers (ICCAN) to use the internet domain in Arabic, placing the UAE among the first four countries in the world to register domain names in their official languages and not in Roman script.His Highness Sheikh Mohammed's website can now be reached through either of the following addresses when typed in Arabic script:
"sheikh-mohammed-bin-rashid.emarat" or "mohammed-bin-rashid.emarat".

Alaska soldier under investigation after posting `gay terrorist' video on Facebook...جندي يستهزء بطفلين عراقيين على فيس بوك

من الواضح ان الطفلان لا يفهمان مالذي يمليه الجندي الامريكي فكان يسالهما ان كانا شاذين و ارهابيين و هما يوكدان بابتسامة على ذلك دون ان يفهما ما يقول.. و قد حول الجندي الذي صور ذلك و بثه على موقعه في فيس بوك الى التحقيق
An Alaska-based soldier is under investigation for a video on his Facebook page that taunts smiling Iraqi children by asking if they're gay, if they engage in certain sex acts and if they would grow up to be terrorists.The two young boys did not appear to understand the questions, which were in English, but smiled at the camera and at times flashed the "thumbs up" gestures during the 30-second clip.Spc. Robert A. Rodriguez, who is based at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, was ordered to remove the video from his site, Army spokesman Maj. Bill Coppernoll said Monday."The incident is currently under investigation, and the Army will take appropriate action based on the findings of the investigation," he said.

لا تعرف اين يقع المسجد الحرام

المشتركة كريمة بوكبير و 40% من الجمهور لا يعرفون اين يقع
المسجد الحرام عندما طلبت مساعدتهم في من سيربح المليون؟ المغاربي مع رشيد الوالي على قناة نسمة 2009

رقم محمول "مشؤوم"...Evil mobile no.

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN) -- أوقفت شركة اتصالات للهواتف المحمولة في بلغاريا تشيغل رقم هاتف محدد، وبعد وفاة ثلاثة من مستخدميه على التوالي خلال السنوات العشرة الماضية
ونقلت "التلغراف" البريطانية أن الشركة البلغارية للهواتف المحمولة "موبيتل" علقت مؤخراً العمل بالرقم 0888 888 888.
وكان أول ضحايا الرقم "المشؤوم", الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة، فلاديمير غراشنوف، الذي توفي بالسرطان عن عمر يناهز 48 عاماً في 2001، ونسبت شائعات وفاته إلى تسميمه بالأشعة بواسطة شركة منافسة

وأنتقل بعدها الرقم إلى زعيم المافيا البلغارية، كونستاتين ديميتروف، الذي اغتيل عام 2003، أثناء رحلة إلى هولندا لتفقد إمبراطوريته لتهريب المخدرات، ويبلغ حجمها 500 مليون جنيه إسترليني
واغتيل ديميتروف، 31 عاماً والهاتف الذي يحمل الرقم "المشؤوم" بحوزته، وربطت تقارير تصفيته برؤوساء المافيا الروسية، وفق التقرير
وما أن انتقلت ملكية الرقم إلى رجل الأعمال كونستانتين ديشليف، حتى اغتيل بإطلاق النار عليه أمام مطعم في العاصمة البلغارية، صوفيا، عام 2005
Spooked phone bosses have suspended the mobile phone number 0888 888 888 - after every single person assigned to it died in the last 10 years Read more

Surprising celebrity connections

Their surprising connection: Nicolas Cage was once was Courteney Cox's brother-in-law by marriage, when he married to Patricia Arquette for six years until 2001.

Surprising celebrity connections

Their surprising connection: Steven Spielberg is the godfather of Gywneth Paltrow, and he also has the same relationship with Drew Barrymore.

May 19, 2010

Princess Beatrice in Monaco

Britain’s Princess Beatrice and her boyfriend, Dave Clark, at the Red Bull Formula 1 Energy Station in Monaco on May 15

Crazy Dubai Driving

Vacu Vin Stainless Steel Pineapple Easy Slicer

Teapot for two

May 18, 2010

جانيت جاكسون مع حبيبها الجديد القطري وسام المانع

أكدت تقارير أن المغنية السمراء “جانيت جاكسون” شقيقة ملك البوب الراحل “مايكل جاكسون” ترتبط حالياً بعلاقة عاطفية مع رجل أعمال قطري يدعى “وسام المانع”، وذلك بعد انفصالها عن صديقها السابق “جيرمين” بعد علاقة استمرت سبعة أعوام.
ذكر موقع “إيس شوبيز” الإخباري أن “جانيت” 43 عاماً ارتبطت برجل أعمال قطري يصغرها بـ 8 أعوام ويتمتع بالثراء
American diva Janet Jackson is reportedly dating a wealthy businessman from Qatar. Janet has been spotted with Wissam Al Mana as far back as December in Paris and London. A source close to the couple has confirmed that 43 year old Janette and 35 year old Wissam are in an exclusive relationship. Last summer, R&B star split from her 7 years boyfriend Jermaine Dupri

nice tables

How could a table float? Actually it is supported by 3mm of transparent acrylic toe.

Impossible motion: magnet-like slopes

In this video, wooden balls roll up the slopes just as if they are pulled by a magnet. The behavior of the balls seems impossible, because it is against the gravity. The video is not a computer graphic, but a real scene. What is actually happening is that the orientations of the slopes are perceived oppositely, and hence the descending motion is misinterpreted as ascending motion. This illusion is remarkable in that it is generated by a three-dimensional solid object and physical motion, instead of a two-dimensional picture.

May 16, 2010


عبد الله محرقي - جريدة أخبار الخليج - البحرين
Abdala mahraqy - Akhbar Alkhaleej newspaper - Baahrain

cat ladder

May 4, 2010

great logo

Spartan Golf Club logo

flexible young girls

worthless hat!!

building gift box

A huge gift box with a 10-meter height is seen at a building in Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 3, 2010. The gift box was placed to celebrate the inauguration of the Renner Shop scheduled on Wednesday 5th.

May 3, 2010

lady shadow

Deaigned by Paul Pacotto. His art mainly consists of simple objects whose shadow resembles a lady’s shadow. you can see one such example, where a rose on a stem turns into the shadow of a young beautiful woman. You can get a better view, and some more examples in the second photo .



Toys art

Toysaurus is the creation of Japanese artist, Hiroshi Fuji, a man with a ton of patience. That’s the only way to explain how he built that thing, one toy at a time.

Tree of Souls in London’s Hyde Park

It appeared in Hyde Park, for the launch of Avatar on DVD, and as a way of celebrating the 40th Earth Day. Unfortunately, this weird version of Vitraya ramunong was removed from the park, the next day. If you didn’t get the chance to see it live, these photos should compensate

May 1, 2010

Princess Haya

Princess Haya of Jordan (shown in the first photo below with former United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan) participated in the 2010 SportAccord Convention in Dubai. The princess, who is married to Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is the president of the Dubai Organising Committee for convention. She is also president of the International Equestrian Federation and a member of the International Olympic Committee.


Crazy couch


Chocolate and graham cracker cupcakes topped with marshmallow swirl.

إماراتية.. أول امرأة عربية على رأس العالم...First arab woman reaches North Pole

أصبحت امرأة إماراتية أول امرأة تقف على “رأس العالم” بكل ما في الكلمة من معنى بعد أن أصبحت أول امرأة عربية تصل إلى القطب الشمالي
فقد تحدت إلهام القاسمي درجات الحرارة الباردة، التي بلغت 30 درجة مئوية تحت الصفر، وتعاملت مع كافة الظروف المناخية الباردة القاهرة لتحقيق حلمها وطموحها لتقوم برحلة إلى المناطق القطبية
وقالت القاسمي لـCNN:
“أردت أن أقف على رأس العالم.. وأردت أن أتواجد في منطقة تتناقض كلياً من حيث المناخ والحرارة مع ما عهدته طوال حياتي.”
وما أن وصلت القاسمي إلى القطب الشمالي، حتى قامت بنثر رمال كانت قد أحضرتها معها من الإمارات العربية المتحدة، على جليد القطب

deep search