Life is luck , make it............. Life is life , fight for it

March 31, 2011

A fruit shoes



€ 845.00

spring/summer 2011 new collection here

Pizza cake

The base is a Snickerdoodle cake with vanilla buttercream frosting. The "cheese" is grated white chocolate and the "pepperoni", "peppers" and "olives" are made from fondant.

Comics (March, 1944)

click on pic. to enlarge from Comics on Parade #44 (March, 1944) more here

Redbull stunt

March 30, 2011

خوف اليهود من التطورات في المنطقه

How the Jews see the conflicts in the arab countries threatening them.

الشيخ المغربي: الحبيب المومو

Amazing retarded young man who memorized the Quran

March 28, 2011

شبشب وزير الخارجية الإماراتي

وأفادت الأنباء أن رئيس الوزراء التركي استهل مباحثاته مع المسئولين الخليجيين بحضور وزير خارجيته أحمد داود أوغلو باستقبال وزير الخارجية البحريني الشيخ خالد بن أحمد آل خليفة ثم وزير خارجية دولة والإمارات الشيخ عبد الله بن زايد آل نهيان.وكان ارتداء وزير الخارجية الإماراتي للشبشب خلال لقائه مع أردوغان مثيرا لروح الدعابة الأمر الذي وصل لأن يتمحور لقاؤهما الذي استمر لمدة ساعة على هذا الأمر.وقال رئيس الوزراء التركي للشيخ عبد الله بن زايد آل نهيان على سبيل الدعابة "إن الطقس في بلادنا ليس كما في بلادكم فلئلا تصاب بالبرد بعد ذلك"

الأميرة هيا وابنتها “الجليلة

Princess Haya bint Al Hussein ,wife of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and her daughter AlJalila.

March 27, 2011

كاريكاتير - ليبيا

رسام الكاريكاتير الفلسطيني المبدع محمد سباعنة و الأوضاع في ليبيا Libya as seen by the West

Versace Cutout leather sandals

Cutout leather sandals £758.93 at Net-A-Porter

Delicious brownie layers cake

Cat fight

March 26, 2011

Yummyy.Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies

How to make them click here

Brave girl

Bad parenting

cat ladder


click on pic to enlarge

Live fish, turtle key rings

As live fish and turtles sealed in small key rings have become an increasingly popular trinkets sold at subway entrances and train stations, animal protection groups are advocating an immediate ban, calling the item an example of "pure animal abuse."
However, there is no existing animal protection law that would prevent their sales, explain animal rights groups.
At the Sihui subway station C entrance, one vendor hawked such rings.
Filled with colored water, each 7centimeterlong key ring encapsulated either one Brazil turtle or two small kingfish.
"The water in the key ring has 'nutrients'," claimed the vendor. "They can live for months inside there."
Business was looking good Tuesday afternoon as one fish and nine turtle rings sold within five minutes.
"I'll hang it in my office, it looks nice and brings good luck, " a man in his 30s said after buying a turtle key ring.

March 15, 2011

Japan cartoon

Japan's Great Tsunami - KAP
SOS - Arcadio Esquivel
Nuclear Disaster Looming in Japan - Giacomo Cardelli

March 13, 2011


أمجد رسمي - جريدة الشرق الأوسط - لندن
Amjad Rasmy - Alsharq alawsat Newspaper - London

Japan earthquake cartoon

Japan earthquake footage

March 12, 2011

Tsunami forecast model

click on pic. to enlarge
This image provided by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center shows a tsunami forecast model predicting the wave height of the tsunami generated by the Japan earthquake.


عبد الله جابر - جريدة الجزيرة - السعودية
Abdala Jaber - Aljazeera Newspaper - Saudi Arabia

Taking care of parents

March 8, 2011

Hosni Mubarak’s Suit....بدلة حسني مبارك كان يكتب عليها اسمه

The Hosni Mubarak $ 25,000.00 suit
Mubarak had his name pinstriped onto his suit. And,he spells it “Hosny.


Chocolate chip cookies covered in chocolate and nuts sandwiching coffee icecream.

deep search