Life is luck , make it............. Life is life , fight for it

May 31, 2009


This is the "most dangerous" stinging caterpillar in the US.The moth Megalopyge opercularis has numerous common names, including southern flannel moth, pussy moth, puss caterpillar, Bolivia bug*, and, in Texas, asp. It is visually striking in both larval and adult forms. The inch-long larva is generously coated in long, luxuriant hair-like setae, making it resemble a tiny Persian cat, the characteristic that presumably gave it the name "puss."The 'fur' of the larva contains venomous spines that cause extremely painful reactions in human skin upon contact. The reactions are sometimes localized to the affected area but are often very severe, radiating up a limb and causing burning, swelling, nausea, headache, abdominal distress, rashes, blisters, and sometimes chest pain, numbness, or difficulty breathing

BBC apologises to MCB

The BBC has offered £30,000 and an apology to the Muslim Council of Britain after airing accusations that it encouraged the killing of British troops.
The corporation offered the settlement after a Question Time panellist accused the council of failing to condemn attacks on British soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Charles Moore, a former editor of The Daily Telegraph, made the comments on the programme in March during a debate about Islamic protests at a soldiers' homecoming parade in Luton. He claimed that the council thought it was a "good thing, even an Islamic thing" to kill troops.
The council, an umbrella organisation representing about 500 Islamic bodies in Britain, said that his claims were a "total lie" and threatened the BBC with legal action.The council's lawyers are now considering the BBC's offer.


May 28, 2009

London olympic logo 2012

The logo for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics has been unveiled in a star-studded ceremony in London.
The jagged emblem, based on the date 2012, comes in a series of shades of pink, blue, green and orange and will evolve in the run-up to the Games.
The word London and the Olympic rings are included in the first two digits of the new logo.
"This is the vision at the very heart of our brand," said London 2012 organising committee chairman Seb Coe.

stone paintings

Suzi Chua lives and works in Malaysia, creating beautiful stone paintings for everyone to enjoy.
These creative works of art can be used as decorative items, paperweights, door stoppers, or as gifts for any occasion.
You can even order your own custom stone painting at

Gold coated BMW in Russia

Intelligent Egg office building in India

“In the 21st Century, buildings will be different from 20th Century”, say James Law Cybertecture International, “They are no longer about concrete, steel and glass, but also the new intangible materials of technology, multimedia, intelligence and interactivity. Only recognizing this will bring a new form of architecture to light, namely a Cybertecture.”
James Law have been commissioned by Vijay Associate (Wadhwa Developers) to create an office unlike any other in Mumbai, India. The 32,000 sq m egg-shaped build will accommodate 13 floors of offices bringing together iconic architecture, environmental design, intelligent systems, and new engineering to create an awe-inspiring landmark in the city.
The concept was inspired, according to the designers, by considering the world as an ecosystem allowing life to evolve.The egg itself is orientated and skewed at an angle to create both a strong visual language and to alleviate the solar gain of the building, also there is a sky garden on the top of building which performs thermolysis (the dissipation of heat from the surface). PV panels will be installed on top of the building and a wind turbine on the sky gardens will generate electricity.The building is due for completion by the end of 2010.

May 26, 2009

اردني وتونسي يتربعان على عرش مخترعي العالم

تمكن طالب أردني بمشاركة زميل تونسي من ابتكار جهاز يحمي الإنسان من أخطار الإشعاعات المنبعثة من الأجهزة الكهربائية المنزلية وبخاصة المايكرويف
وحاز الاكتشاف الذي توصل إليه عمار غرايبة وماهر الزغندي على الجائزة الذهبية من بين ثمانمائة مشروع قدمتها 52 دولة و41 ولاية أميركية تنافست في المعرض العالمي للأبحاث العلمية عن الهندسة والطاقة والبيئة الذي عقد في هيوستن الأميركية أخيرا
وتعليقا على ذلك وصف الدكتور نبيل أيوب عميد كلية العلوم الطبيعية التطبيقية في الجامعة الألمانية الأردنية الاختراع بأنه إنجاز علمي ويستند لمنهجية علمية سليمة، بينما رأت الدكتورة ليلى أبو حسان الأستاذة بقسم الفيزياء في الجامعة الأردنية أنه "اكتشاف متميز ورائد ضمن معايير دولية نفتخر به وعلينا واجب تعميم هذا النموذج"

one-winged duck

Charlie suffered a severely broken wing after being shot while swimming in a pond.
His injuries were so severe that vets had no option but to amputate his wing after he was picked up by staff at Downland Open Air Museum in Singleton, West Sussex.

Ant sauce

During the April-June season, thousands of Colombian farmers collect giant ants, named ulonas, cook them and sell them as a traditional exotic dish. The ants are roasted in big bowls, bagged and shipped to stores around the country.
Some people eat the roasted ants, known as Culonas, as snacks, while others use them to make a special sauce that goes great with potato chips


New da Vinci portrait found

A scratch is seen on a previously unknown portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, displayed during a meeting with the press, in Rome, April 2, 2009. The painting displayed at a news conference in Rome was discovered in December in the collection of a family from Italy's southern Basilicata region. Who made the painting and when it was done is still being investigated, but experts have ruled out it being a self-portrait.The historian says carbon-14 analysis of the wood supporting the canvas dates the material to the late 15th or early 16th century, when Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) was alive. However, experts caution that doesn't necessarily mean the portrait was painted at that time. They are conducting more tests.

Men parade in women's shoes

Dozens of men in south-central Pennsylvania have teamed up for a good cause and put their best feet forward - in women's shoes.
Frank Baird is the founder of the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes march. He says it's an international men's movement that aims to stop violence against women.
About 40 men wore footwear including fluffy red marabou slippers with 2-inch heels for the Memorial Day march in Camp Hill, a town of about 8,000 residents just outside Harrisburg.

Cocaine found in Red Bull in Germany

BERLIN - May 26, 2009 -- Six German states have told retailers to stop selling Red Bull Cola energy drinks after a test found a trace amount of cocaine.
The bans started Friday after a sample test conducted by authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia state found 0.4 micrograms per liter in the drink.

May 25, 2009 تتزين بالعلم الأردني بذكرى الاستقلال

بمناسبة الذكرى الثالثة والستين لاستقلال المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية تتزين بالعلم الأردني وبدلة القهوة العربية الاصيلة

May 22, 2009

سمو الشيخ حمدان بن زايد يقبل يد طالبة جامعية

في حفل تخريج جامعة ابو ظبي كانت هذه الطالبة رغم إعاقتها من الأوائل المتفوقين وعند تخريجها وقف جميع من في القاعة احتراما وتقديرا لها , حيث تقدم منها الشيخ حمدان بن زايد وقبل يدها
هي طالبة عمانية الاولى على الدفعة كاملة وبكل التخصصات , معدلها كان 100% , ولها شقيقة من نفس الدفعة تخرجت معها وهي ايضا من الطالبات المتفوقات في المدرسة

May 21, 2009

فيديو عن محمد علاء مبارك حفيد الرئيس حسني مبارك

بث برنامج "العاشرة مساء"ً الذى يذاع على قناة دريم الفضائية اللقطة الوحيدة التى التقطت للطفل الراحل محمد حفيد الرئيس حسنى مبارك بصحبة والده بعد انتهاء مباراة مصر والمغرب فى كأس الأمم الأفريقية التى أقيمت بمصر عام 2006 . وتعد هذه اللقطة انفراد للبرنامج الذى تقدمه الإعلامية منى الشاذلى حيث أذاعت جميع القنوات الفضائية صوراً للطفل وهو صغير, ولم تذع أى قناة فضائية أى تقرير مصور عنه . كان محمد علاء مبارك قد وافته المنية يوم الاثنين الماضى أثر أزمة صحية مفاجئة

May 20, 2009

paper art

see more here
Simon Schubert, a talented German artist, uses paper creases and folds to create incredible works of art.

Banker Helps Mother Duck and her Ducklings

liquid lamp

These lamps in contrasting colors are made from iron plate. The lamp shade looks like a paint pail that was knocked over, and the lamp holder looks like floating paint. It is available in wall or table. Red or white.

illusion of sex

By looking at these two photos , whom you think is a female and whom is the male?
The faces are actually versions of the same androgynous face (neither male, nor female). One face was created by increasing the contrast of the androgynous face, while the other face was created by decreasing the contrast. The face with more contrast is perceived as female,(the face at your left) while the face with less contrast is perceived as male(at your right). The Illusion of Sex Change demonstrates that contrast is an important cule for perceiving the sex of a face, with greater contrast appearing feminine, and lesser contrast appearing masculine.

May 19, 2009

cat climbs two-storey wall to get home

Seven-year-old Charlie hit on the idea after growing tired of having to wait outside the shared front door to the block for someone to let him back in after he has been allowed out for some air.
Instead, he heads for the rear of the building where only a roughcast wall stands between him and the balcony of his owner's flat.
See the video here

deep search