Life is luck , make it............. Life is life , fight for it

January 29, 2011

انسحاب الشرطة امام المتظاهرين الغاضبين في القاهرة

Protesters clashing with retreating police in middle of the Nile bridge in Cairo while tear gas is fired.As darkness fell Friday, thousands of angry Egyptians defied a government curfew and stinging police tear gas to march on the streets demanding change.

اطلاق مدافع المياه على المصلين في القاهرة

Police used water to distribute prayers on friday 28th,jan 2011 in Cairo,Egypt.


see more insect pics. here


إيلي صليبا - جريدة الوطن - قطر

January 24, 2011

Wrong photoshop

A photoshop disaster ,one leg for Amy Adams.

Smart measure cup

The SmartMeasure Cup! It’s got an angled display backlit LCD conveys the precise measurements. It’s so smart that it can even do unit conversions for you.The cup slides out of the casing for easy cleaning.Designers: Ryan Eder & Chris Daniels.

Face mug

Everybody is familiar with this scene: you step into the office, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and with some circuits in your mouth. Just the same as what this Face Mug does.
Made of ceramic in China, the cute mug is perfect for serving milk, tea, coffee and your favorite cookies.
Selling Price: $18

Great daily photos at Webshots

A Heart A Day

January 17, 2011

Cost of war to USA in Iraq & Afghanistan

click on pic. to see how much at the moment.

January 14, 2011

Twins for Denamrk,boy and girl

The newborn Prince and Princess of Denmark, the third and fourth children of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, have left the hospital in their parents arms today, January 14.
The twins were born on January 8 at 10:30 and 10:56, at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen and join older brother, Prince Christian, born October 15, 2005, and older sister, Princess Isabella, born April 21, 2007.

Black statue of Jesus...تمثال أسود للسيد المسيح

جاب قرابة مليوني مسيحي شوارع العاصمة الفلبينية مانيلا وهم حفاة وراء تمثال أسود للسيد المسيح يعتقد أنه يملك القدرة على الشفاء. والتمثال الخشبي للمسيح بالحجم الطبيعي ويعرف باسم "الناصري الأسود" ونحت في المكسيك ثم نقل إلى الفلبين في أوائل القرن السابع عشر. ويتم إخراج التمثال من كنيسة كيابو في مانيلا في التاسع من يناير/ كانون الثاني من كل عام للقيام بأكبر مسيرة في الفلبين ذات الاغلبية الكاثوليكية.وسقط المئات مغشيا عليهم بسبب الحر وأصيب آخرون وسط تدافع الناس في الشوارع الضيقة
Hundreds of thousands of barefoot devotees thronged the streets of Manila on Saturday as a centuries old black statue of Jesus Christ, believed to have healing powers, was paraded through the old city.
The wooden, life-sized Black Nazarene, carved in Mexico and brought to the Philippines in the early 17th century, is taken out of the Quiapo Church on January 9 each year for the largest parade in the predominately Roman Catholic country.
Two men collapsed and died, dozens fainted in the heat and many were hurt in the crush of people in the narrow streets. Nearly 1.4 million people gathered for an early morning Mass at a public park before the procession, police said.

January 8, 2011

Qwest field beers

Comparing a large beer to a small beer at Qwest Field in Seattle

Flower pyramids....الحديقه العاموديه

جنة العين تسعى للدخول لموسوعة جنيس للارقام القياسية مجددا
الحديقة سبق لها الدخول للموسعة كآول حديقة عمودية و تسعى للدخول مجددآ في عمل اهرامات لزهور متنوعه و من دول مختلفة
Al Ain looks to set yet another world record with huge pyramids of flowers covering more than double of the existing area in the Oasis city.
The garden, officially termed Al Ain Paradise, was a major tourist attraction since March last year when it set a world record of being the largest garden with hanging flower baskets.
It also made an entry in Guinness World Records for its 2,500 baskets full of flowers arranged in a fabulous manner.The garden will be reopened in a grand ceremony after 20 days. "We are now building flower pyramids and this is entirely a new concept that will be of more attraction to the visitors," Rahhal said.
He added that vertical landscaping technologies will used to create the flower pyramids with a variety of flowers from the US, Europe, Japan, Germany and Italy

Have a seat

A way to encourage people to read. A concept visualisation of this graduation project at the Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands. An interactive seat which follows the user at the library.

Cold face!

Frost covers a runner’s face in Russia

January 6, 2011


"Kimi Ga Yo" National anthem of Japan ...اقصر نشيد وطني _النشيد الياباني

النشيد الوطنى اليابانى اقصر نشيد وطنى فى العالم

.النشيد الوطني الياباني .
كيمي غا يو وا
تشي-يو ني
ياتشي-يو ني
سازاره إيشي نو
أيواو تو ناريته
كوكه نو موسو ماده
معناها بالعربي
ندعو لمجـدك أن يدوم ألف جيل،ثمانية ألاف جيل،حتى الحصى يصير صخرًا مغطىً بالنجيل


Is it an elephant or a cow?

January 5, 2011

"السروال المفتوح" يحرج زوج ملكة الدنمارك في الحفل الرسمي .....'Wardrobe malfunction' embarrasses Queen

تعرض الأمير هنريك زوج ملكة الدنمارك مارجريت الثانية لموقف محرج للغاية أثناء حفل استقبال في قصر أمالينبورج حين ركزت كاميرات المصورين على سحّاب سرواله الذي كان مفتوحا . وعلى الرغم من أن الأمير (76 عاما) كان يرتدي حلته الرسمية الأنيقة، ويقف إلى جوار زوجته، والابتسامة مرسومة على وجهه، إلا أن كاميرات المصورين لم تتغاض الموقف الذي نشرته الصحف الالمانية وعنونت الخبر بـ "يوم الباب المفتوح" في القصر الملكي الدنماركي
It can happen to any man, and it does. It may lead to laughs, or to acute embarrassment, but not often does the culprit end up in the full lights of the camera's and become the talk of the nation. It happened to Prince-consort Henrik of Denmark, Saturday.At first sight the photo of the arrival of Queen Margrethe and her husband at the Royal Palace in Copenhagen looks innocent. They are on their way to the traditional New Year's reception and dinner, at which they themselves are the hosts. But take a closer look at Prince Henrik pants/trousers.


جريدة أخبار الخليج -البحرين
Akhbar Alkhaleej Newspaper - Bahrain

Floss after snack

Smoking-non smoking!

Love story,hair ad

Pencil art: snow

click on pic. to enlarge.
and much more here.

January 4, 2011

Cat lift

Foldable chair !

احيانا وفي بعض المناسبات يجد الانسان نفسه عاجزا عن العثور على مقعد فارغ يجلس عليه ..لكن صاحب هذه الكرسي العجيب وجد الحل لكل من يريد ان يضمن له مقعدا اينما ذهب

January 3, 2011

Bacon Chocolate Cake

Smile !!

Baby born with a second face

On May 17th, 2010, the mother Yi Xilian said with great agony in a local Hospital in Changsha, Hunan province, that her 1-year-and-2-month-old son Kang Kang is suffering from a congenital facial cleft, and his mouth is cracked up to his ears.
All signs pointed to a normal, healthy baby for young Yi Xilian, but once Kangkang was born, the truth was revealed. The poor child looks like he’s literally wearing a mask.No one knows what causes this unfortunate condition, though theories abound. It could be caused by an infection, or even frequent drug use by the mother, the only drugs the mother took while pregnant were prescribed anti-abortion agents her doctors prescribed. Sadly, this condition is incredibly expensive to treat, as Yi learned when she took Kangkang at 20-days old to a hospital in Changsha. The final tally: around 300-400,000 Yen, or approximately 80,000 to 100,000 dollars.

January 2, 2011

Funny LEED discussion on Green buildings

The LEED rating system can be a tricky thing, which is why Xtranormal created this clever video to explain it. The Queen of England is new to the topic and follows along with Sir Leedington to learn whether or not her castle can become LEED certified in the quirky video, created by the people at

ولد سعودي يلعب مع ضب....Boy plays with lizard


عماد حجاج - جريدة الإمارات اليوم - الإمارات

Turquoise Ceramic Tile

This turquoise ceramic tile by Ceramica Lord. Via Veneto 1870 is a line of rich, vibrant tiles aptly named after Rome's shopping hotspot – Via Veneto – where fashion and architecture mingle with entertainment. This ceramic tile is adorned in the richest shades of turquoise and gold in ornate florals, weaves and abstract motifs. Check them out at Ceramica Lord.

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