Life is luck , make it............. Life is life , fight for it

April 21, 2010

Glass With Class

designed by Alvaro Lagos Vasquez. His “O-Glass” design cleverly uses the base of a normal lowball glass by inserting a hole. Now you can use this magical hole to hold a napkin, pencil, spike etc.

ad to prevent texting while drive

click to enlarge

April 20, 2010

Butterfly HP laptop

Abu Dhabi’s crown prince meets Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama welcomed the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (left) to the Nuclear Security Summit on April 12 in Washington D.C. (Photo: UPI/Ron Sachs/Pool Photo via Newscom. Photo provided by PicApp)

April 17, 2010

April 16, 2010

Makkah clock..."ساعة مكة" لمنافسة توقيت غرينتش

تسعى المملكة العربية السعودية لإنشاء "ساعة مكة" التي ستكون أكبر وأعلى ساعة في العالم من أجل منافسة باقي ساعات العالم وجعل توقيت المدينة المقدسة مرجعاً عالمياً مقابل توقيت غرينتش.وسيتم تثبيت "ساعة مكة" فوق أعلى برج ضمن مجمع ضخم مكون من سبعة أبراج تطل على الحرم المكي وتأوي أكثر من عشرين ألف من النزلاء في وقت واحد
.وقال محمد الأركوبي نائب الرئيس والمدير العام لفندق «برج ساعة مكة الملكي» المطل على الحرم الشريف، إن «الجزء الأول من الفندق سيفتتح في نهاية يونيو المقبل».وتابع إن «دوران الساعة سينطلق في نهاية يوليو، قبل شهر رمضان المقبل» الذي يبدأ في حدود العاشر من أغسطس.والساعة هي الرمز الأساسي لمجمع ضخم من سبعة أبراج تطوره مجموعة بن لادن لمصلحة الحكومة السعودية، وتديره فندقياً مجموعة فيرمونت التي ستشغل فيه ثلاثة فنادق هي فيرمونت ورافلز وسويس هوتيل، على أن يبلغ إجمالي عدد الغرف والشقق الفندقية في الأبراج حوالي ثلاثة آلاف غرفة وشقة.وتبلغ كلفة المشروع ثلاثة مليارات دولار بحسب الأركوبي.وقال في مؤتمر صحافي في دبي «وضع توقيت مكة في مواجهة توقيت غرينتش، هذا هو الهدف»
Makkah this summer will soon add the world’s second tallest building to its skyline as part of a hotel complex that will be topped by a clock tower six times higher than Big Ben in London, according to the general manager.
Mohammad al-Arkubi told a press conference in Dubai that the 662-metre Mecca Royal Clock Building – itself eclipsing the 508-metre Taipei in Taiwan – would sit underneath a 155-metre metal spire that will hold the reputed ‘biggest clock in the world’.
He added that the goal was to put Makkah – Islam’s holiest city – in line with Greenwich Mean Time, and that the concrete structure will be ready for customers in June, with the spire and clock ready for July.The full structure is around 11 metres shorter than Dubai’s Burj Khalifa and will be the centerpiece for a new complex of hotels called Abraj al-Bayt Towers constructed for the Saudi government by the Bin Laden Group and managed by Fairmont Hotels and Resorts.

April 15, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake

Creamy Cheesecake Loaded with Chocolate Chip Cookie-Dough and Topped with Walnuts.

Grape tree,fruits are on its trunk

Jabuticaba, also known as the Grape Tree, is a unique tree found around South-American countries like Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Unlike other trees, its fruit can be plucked and eaten right off the trunk. In order to survive, Jabuticaba has evolved in order to make its fruit more accessible to animals who can’t climb. This way they can reach the fruit, eat it and expel the seeds far away from the parent tree.
Jabuticaba fruits are purple, juicy, and can be either eaten fresh, used in jellies, or left to ferment and made into wine and strong liquor. Dried Jabuticaba fruit peels can be used to treat asthma and diarrhea, and scientists hope it will prove useful in the fight against cancer, as several anti-cancer compounds have been identified in the fruit.


mirror man

April 12, 2010


The designer is Chloé Ruchon
Barbie Foot was basically designed to get women interested in football.
Called Barbie-Foot ,two teams of the popular doll spin their legs at the ball while keeping their fashionable locks in place.The only thing missing is their arms, which have been replaced by poles.Chloe, 25, designed the girlie gimmick for her diploma while studying visual arts in Strasbourg. She said: "It was a symbolic and powerful way to represent the contrast between males and females by associating them together."The idea is to create design that causes surprise, emotions and questions from the audience.

April 11, 2010

English Premier League teams

More than 40 players and managers from 20 English Premier League teams were asked to draw their self portraits. Their drawing will be collected into a book called "Art of Football" which going to be auctioned off to raise money for the Nordoff Robbins charity.To view more drawings

long arm model !!

Label: Zara
Campaign: ad campaign
Model: Toni Garrn
Season: 2010 S/S - Spring Summer


glass sculpture (3D artwork by Yulia Karpenko

insects covered in water droplets

Would dew believe it: The stunning pictures of sleeping insects covered in water droplets Read more


April 10, 2010

Hummer يتحول لحنطور

This ironic art piece is part of 33-year-old artist Jeremy Dean’s project “Back to the Futurama” and debuted at the 2010 Pulse Art Fair in New York City. Dean, did it with the help of Slick’s Garage in Palmetto, Florida.

dripping sunglasses

The designer is Ann-Sofie Back.

Playful Handmade Ceramic Set

Arm&Crafts is a playful handmade ceramic set from KRASZNAI ceramics which is funny and cute, rather than frightening. The collection is made up by five pieces: Mug, Milk, Bowling, Vase and Bowl, each with their own unique design and we dare say personality. They are hand made and feature sculpted arms and legs that are fun and playful. Some of them are placed on the exterior of the products, while others surprisingly pop up from the interior.

deep search