بعد رحلتها للبحث عن الرضا الروحي تعرفت كريستيان باكر وهي واحدة من أشهر مذيعات أوروبا والتي تعمل في "إم.تي.في" الموسيقية، على دين "الاسلام" ، قائلة: "اكتشفت أنني كنت أفتقد إلى الحب الأسمى، وهو حب الله، وبعد إيجاد هذا الحب اعتنقت الإسلام وأصبحت أؤدي واجباتي الدينية بإعتباري مسلمة أوروبية"
Christian Baker a very famous MTV presenter has converted herself to Islam after she was not pleased by the presentation of the TV which she was working for.
“I have been long time of period looking for what is really to be in love with, and when I have converted myself into Islam I came to understand that the only thing to be loved and to have close relationship is Allah the most Exalt, and I am very proud to be a Muslim lady who hails from one of the noble communities in Europe, and I will be strictly adhered to my pious religion Islam, thanks to Allah I was very blind and in a dark world when I was Christian, but I can now fully see the brightness of life, I know only those with good luck can be Muslims” said Chirstain Baker.The Journalist has also became the author of a book called from MTV to Mecca, which is at wide emphasize the gigantic change on her life.