Designer and inventor extraordinaire Knut Karlsen recently unveiled an inspired approach to portable power that can’t be beat for its elegant simplicity: a prototype battery capable of charging itself when exposed to sunshine. His slick set of SunCat C-cells are wrapped in flexible photovoltaic panels and will slowly recharge when left to bask in the sun.Karlsen’s SunCat batteries circumvent chargers completely by integrating solar cells within the batteries themselves. To make these prototypes he attached 1.8V flexible photovoltaic cells onto 1.5V NiMH rechargeable batteries and connected them with a conductive silver pen and a few flat wires. The effect is similar to a trickle charger, which slowly charges a battery and can be left attached indefinitely without overcharging.
Life is luck , make it............. Life is life , fight for it
February 27, 2009
How Do 3D Glasses Work?
3D film viewed without glasses is a very strange sight and may appear to be out of focus, fuzzy or out of register. so you need 3d glasses to watch it.
In order to see things in 3D each eye must see a slightly different picture. This is done in the real world by your eyes being spaced apart about 2 inches (5 centimeters) so each eye has its own slightly different view. The brain then puts the two pictures together to form one 3D image that has depth to it.In making movies ,two cameras photograph the same image from slightly different positions to create these images, then the same scene is projected simultaneously from two different angles in two different colors, red and cyan (or blue or green). Here's where those cool glasses come in -- the colored filters separate the two different images so each image only enters one eye. Your brain puts the two pictures back together .
Although the red/green or red/blue system is now mainly used for television 3-D effects, and was used in many older 3-D movies. In this system, two images are displayed on the screen, one in red and the other in blue (or green). The filters on the glasses allow only one image to enter each eye, and your brain does the rest.
You cannot really have a color movie when you are using color to provide the separation, so the image quality is not nearly as good as with the polarized system.At Disney World, Universal Studios and other 3-D venues, the preferred method uses polarized lenses because they allow color viewing. Two synchronized projectors project two respective views onto the screen, each with a different polarization. The glasses allow only one of the images into each eye because they contain lenses with different polarization.
February 26, 2009
Strange Fish Has See-Through Head
A bizarre deep-water fish called the barreleye has a transparent head and tubular eyes. Since the fish's discovery in 1939, biologists have known the eyes were very good at collecting light. But their shape seemed to leave the fish with tunnel vision.
Now scientists say the eyes rotate, allowing the barreleye to see directly forward or look upward through its transparent head.
The barreleye (Macropinna microstoma) is adapted for life in a pitch-black environment of the deep sea, where sunlight does not reach.continue reading and watch the video
Now scientists say the eyes rotate, allowing the barreleye to see directly forward or look upward through its transparent head.
The barreleye (Macropinna microstoma) is adapted for life in a pitch-black environment of the deep sea, where sunlight does not reach.continue reading and watch the video
Blind mechanics magic touch
see a video
A blind car mechanic has told how he fixes motors using just touch to tell what's wrong with them. Col Collewijn - who lost his eyesight aged eight - said: "As long as my tools are in the right place and no screws drops to the ground I get along alone very well." Collewijn, who has worked for in a garage in Nuis, Holland, for 30 years, said: "I do everything by trusting my senses and my hearing." "And I have one big advantage over other mechanics - I can repair cars in the dark," he laughed.
28 مليون دولار لكرسي واحد
مفاجأت ومزيد من الملايين. هكذا يمكن وصف اليوم الثاني من «مزاد القرن» الذي تنظمه مؤسسة «كريستيز» في باريس لبيع مجموعة المقتنيات الفنية لمصمم الأزياء سان لوران وشريكه بيير بيرجيه. وبيعت أمس الأول مجموعة من الفضيات واللوحات القديمة وبعض قطع الأثاث التي تعود لسبعينات القرن الماضي من نوع «الآرديكو». واشتدت المزايدة على مقعد بمسندين من تصميم آيلين غراي حتى رسا السعر على 21.90 مليون يورو
Saint Laurent $28 Million Chair Defies Economic Logic:
Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- In the depths of the 2009 recession, Yves Saint Laurent’s leather chair was sold for 21.9 million euros. Yes, that’s $28 million.
Not that it’s just any old chair. This is the “dragons” armchair made by the French designer Eileen Gray between 1917 and 1919. It was cosseted in state in Saint Laurent’s palatial rue de Babylone sitting room, dripping with ostentation and surrounded by Picasso, Cezanne, Matisse and Munch works.
Not that it’s just any old chair. This is the “dragons” armchair made by the French designer Eileen Gray between 1917 and 1919. It was cosseted in state in Saint Laurent’s palatial rue de Babylone sitting room, dripping with ostentation and surrounded by Picasso, Cezanne, Matisse and Munch works.
February 24, 2009
heart shaped cucumber
If you grow cucumbers at home, or want to give the perfect gift to a gardener friend, the Heart-shaped Cucumber Molds will let you grow your young cucumbers into perfect heart shapes over time. Have unique salads for dinner parties and special occasions, or use your imagination to create something else entirely! Although the instructions included in this set of clear plastic molds is in Japanese, the theory behind heart-shaped cucumbers is straightforward and takes minimal effort. Plus, it doesn't hurt the living cucumbers nor affect their nutritional content. The only thing you need at the get-go is a cucumber bush growing in your garden.Simply slip one of the sleeves (3 are included) over a small, young cucumber and let Mother Nature do the rest. The veggies will expand to the imposed limit and fill out the rest of the available space.
President Obama quotes Islamic Hadith in Speech
At the White House National Prayer Breakfast , President Barack Obama quoted (among other things) a Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed ...there is a hadith that reads "None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself"...,,,.. لا يؤمن احدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه",,,,حديث عن الرسول (صلعم) اقتبسه الرئيس الأمريكي اوباما في حفل افطار حضره بالبيت الأبيض
February 23, 2009
Man wakes wife from coma by biting her toe
A man in Shenyang, capital city of the northeast Liaoning province has said that he woke his wife from a 10-year coma by nibbling on her toes.
Lu Fengshuang fell into a coma after suffering a head injury in an industrial accident.
Zhang Kui had tried for years to wake his wife of 27 years. He had played music, spoken to her, even tickled her, but nothing worked.
"I then recalled someone saying that the feet are the home for many nerves," he told the Liao Sheng Evening Post.
"I wondered if I could wake her up by biting her feet."
So he dutifully bit her toes over a ten-year period until one day she responded by squeezing his wrist.
"I got goose bumps. It was like a dead person suddenly gripping your hand," he told the newspaper.
The next challenge, however, is to help her speak-- so far she can move her arms and smile, but her husband is keen to hear his wife's voice again
Lu Fengshuang fell into a coma after suffering a head injury in an industrial accident.
Zhang Kui had tried for years to wake his wife of 27 years. He had played music, spoken to her, even tickled her, but nothing worked.
"I then recalled someone saying that the feet are the home for many nerves," he told the Liao Sheng Evening Post.
"I wondered if I could wake her up by biting her feet."
So he dutifully bit her toes over a ten-year period until one day she responded by squeezing his wrist.
"I got goose bumps. It was like a dead person suddenly gripping your hand," he told the newspaper.
The next challenge, however, is to help her speak-- so far she can move her arms and smile, but her husband is keen to hear his wife's voice again
مذيعة ألمانية تصفع زميلها على الهواء مباشرة
في مشهد نادر جدا ، ازعج ملايين المشاهدين واسعدهم ، قامت مقدمة برامج في المانيا بصفع زميلها على وجهه في بث حي ومباشر امام الملايين! لكن السؤال الذي يتبادر الى ذهن من يقرأ هذا الخبر هو لماذا خرجت المذيعة عن وعيها وصفعت زميلها بهذه القسوة ؟ ، والجواب بالطبع كما وقع شاهده الملايين هو ان المذيع زميلها فقد السيطرة على نفسه ، وقام بمسك "مكان ما " من جسد المذيعة ، فلم تجد بدا من صفعه على خده ، المهم ان الفقرة الغريبة والعجيبة ، جاءت خلال الفقرة النهائية لاعلان كل من المذيعة وزميلها للاغنية الفائزة والتي كان يتم التصويت عليها في سباق الاغاني ، ولم تذكر المصادر التي نشرت الخبر ، ما اذا كانت المحطة التلفزيونية قد اكتفت بالصفعة التي تلقاها المذيع ام انها اتخذت ضده اجراء اكثر صرامة بعد تلك الفضيحة ربما غير المسبوقة
This is the moment a German TV presenter is slapped around the face for grabbing a colleague’s breasts on live TV.
Aprropriately named Hans Blomberg was announcing the voting results of a Eurovision-style song contest along with Susanka Bersin when he struck.
Hans joked: "But the two most beautiful points remain with me" – before grabbing Susanka’s cleavage.
Shocked Susanka retaliated by slapping him across the face.
This is the moment a German TV presenter is slapped around the face for grabbing a colleague’s breasts on live TV.
Aprropriately named Hans Blomberg was announcing the voting results of a Eurovision-style song contest along with Susanka Bersin when he struck.
Hans joked: "But the two most beautiful points remain with me" – before grabbing Susanka’s cleavage.
Shocked Susanka retaliated by slapping him across the face.
February 22, 2009
Portable Toaster
This is not the first time we introducing innovative toaster. But all the toasters we mentioned before, without exception, are powered via socket. What if I want to have a toast during camping? Then you need a portable one like this.
You can use it like spread butter with a knife and the butterflies indicate the heat-strength.
Designer: Kim Been
You can use it like spread butter with a knife and the butterflies indicate the heat-strength.
Designer: Kim Been
February 21, 2009
nice word
If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
Mark Twain
Mark Twain
February 20, 2009
Aerial Photographs of Mexico City
This are a few of the pictures that I have taken while working as a Helicopter Pilot over Mexico City. Recent Mexico City Stock Aerial Photography. see more here
February 19, 2009
السماح للشرطيات النرويجيات بارتداء الحجاب الإسلامي
قررت الحكومة النرويجية السماح للسيدات اللاتي يعملن في سلك الشرطة بارتداء الحجاب الإسلامي. وجاء في بيان نشرته وزارة العدل النرويجية : " بعد إجراء مشاورات مع القيادات الشرطية والتناصح فيما بيننا قررنا أن القوانين المتعلقة بالزي الموحد للشرطة يجب تعديله ليسمح بارتداء حجاب أو غطاء الرأس الذي ترتديه النساء المسلمات". وقالت قيادة الشرطة النرويجية بأنها تحبذ فكرة السماح للنساء بارتداء الحجاب مع الزي الشرطي لتحسين احتمالات انضمام النساء المسلمات للشرطة وإيجاد وظائف لهن ليتمكن من خدمة المجتمع المسلم هناك. وقالت انجيلين كيللينغرين رئيسة الشرطة النرويجية " نعتقد بأنه من الأهمية بمكان أن نشجع التوظيف والانضمام للسلك الشرطي من قبل النساء وتطوير قوة تعكس جميع طبقات المجتمع النرويجي بغض النظر عن المعتقدات الدينية أو الخلفية العرقية، وهذا الأمر أهم من فكرة التقيد بالزي الموحد في أدق تفاصيله". وبهذا تكون النرويج قد انضمت لدول أوروبية أخرى تسمح للنساء الشرطيات المسلمات بارتداء الحجاب مع الزي الشرطي مثل السويد وبريطانيا
The Norwegian government announced Wednesday that it will allow Muslim women police officers if they choose to wear the Islamic head scarf. more here
foot massage... to a LION
British park ranger Alex Larenty has no qualms about gently rubbing the paws of a lion under his care.
The 50-year-old regularly treats Jamu(the lion) to a foot massage and these pictures make it clear the eight-year-old lion is appreciative.
Rolling around like a kitten, Jamu appears to be having the time of his life.
The shots were taken at The Lion Park, near Johannesburg, South Africa,Mr Larenty, who is originally from Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, said the animal has complete trust in him.
'Trust me, though, you need to know what you are doing and our relationship is one that has built up over the last six years. Jamu won't just let anyone touch him the way I do.
'We have 75 lions here at the park and I know everyone by name, Jamu is a star in his own right though.
'While these lions know me and they are tame in some way, they are still dangerous to people they don't know or in situations they are unsure about.'
The 50-year-old regularly treats Jamu(the lion) to a foot massage and these pictures make it clear the eight-year-old lion is appreciative.
Rolling around like a kitten, Jamu appears to be having the time of his life.
The shots were taken at The Lion Park, near Johannesburg, South Africa,Mr Larenty, who is originally from Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, said the animal has complete trust in him.
'Trust me, though, you need to know what you are doing and our relationship is one that has built up over the last six years. Jamu won't just let anyone touch him the way I do.
'We have 75 lions here at the park and I know everyone by name, Jamu is a star in his own right though.
'While these lions know me and they are tame in some way, they are still dangerous to people they don't know or in situations they are unsure about.'
Dirk's Accident
Dirk had an accident. Below is the X-ray showing his totally crushed finger tip. It took 1 1/2 hours of surgery to remove the shattered bones and repair the damage. To know more ,, read here
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