Life is luck , make it............. Life is life , fight for it

November 29, 2007

The Rubberboy (Daniel Browning Smith)

Five time Guiness Record holder, The Rubberboy is the most flexible man alive and the most famous contortionist. He has been in many professional basketball or baseball games and on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, ESPN's Sports Center, Oprah Winfrey, Ripley's Believe It or Not, Cirque du Soleil, Best Damn Sports Show Period, The Discovery Channel, Men in Black 2, HBO's Carnivale, and CSI: NY and American got a talent. He dislocates his arms to crawl through an unstrung tennis racquet. He performs contortion handstands and unique acrobatics.

skyscraper Herbis Osaka building in Japan

The skyscraper is the Herbis Osaka building, the only skyscraper in Japan with an enclosed heliport. The replicated dome forms atop the building cleverly disguise the enclosure’s purpose. The top of a skyscraper opens from which a platform roses revealing a helicopter platform .Architectural design is attributed to Takenaka Corporation.

Stars with and without makeup

Renee Zellweger
Tori Spelling
Kate Hudson
Pamela Anderson

November 28, 2007

Twendy-One robot

Twendy-One, a robot designed to help the elderly and disabled people around the house, demonstrates its ability to hold delicate objects by manipulating a drinking straw in its fingers at Waseda University in Tokyo Nov. 27, 2007. Twendy-one was designed by robotics researchers at Waseda University to have human-sized four-fingered hands cabable of picking up and holding delicate objects without crushing them

fake signs

tooth tattoo

Airbus A340 hits a wall

Etihad was to receive their next A340 this week, but it seems that delivery may be delayed. While running an engine test at the Airbus facility in Toulouse, France, the A340-600 jumped the chocks and headed for the blast wall. The good news is the blast wall held up remarkably well. The bad news is the Airbus did not.

20,000 teddy bears on the ice of a hockey ring

Portland Winter Hawks fans threw what was reportedly a world record 20,372 stuffed animals on the ice after what they thought was their team's first goal of the season -- a goal which officials later disallowed.

November 27, 2007

swimming robot

Kaballah Camilla

Camilla has religiously worn the woven adornment on her right hand throughout her tour of Uganda. She may have the Royal Family's priceless collection of jewellery at her disposal, but the Duchess of Cornwall appears wedded to a simple red and woven bracelet on the wrist.
A Clarence House spokeswoman said that the Duchess had been given the bracelet when she attended the Diwali celebrations at the Shri Swaminarayan Mondir Temple in London on November 9 - and had worn it ever since.
Camilla and her husband had attended the Hindu place of worship to celebrate the traditional "Festival of Light".
"She just really likes it," they said.

Charles and Camilla visit Islamic shrine

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall have visited the shrine of a leading Islamic poet and philosopher.
The royal couple toured the shrine of Mevlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi before watching the dance of the Whirling Dervishes in the Turkish city of Konya.

شركة تطلب من الموظفات أن يذهبن إلى أعمالهن بملابسهن الداخلية

قرر مسؤولو شركة تايوانية متخصصة في انتاج الملابس الداخلية النسائية تخصيص يوم للاحتفال بارتفاع مبيعات الشركة إلي مستويات قياسية غير مسبوقة وشجعوا الموظفات العاملات في الشركة علي ان يحضرن الي العمل وهن مرتديات ملابسهن الداخلية فقط في ذلك اليوم تحديداً!!

وفي التفاصيل ان مسؤولي الشركة الكائنة في مدينة تايز هونغ كانوا قرروا اختيار يوم الحادي والعشرين من شهر نوفمبر ليكون عيداً سنوياً خاصاً بالشركة كي تحتفل فيه بنجاحها في تحقيق مستويات مبيعات قياسية غير مسبوقة علي المستوي المحلي. وطوال الاسابيع القليلة الماضية، دأب مسؤولو الشركة علي تشجيع الموظفات ال 500 العاملات في مقرها الرئيسي علي ان يأتين الي العمل ذلك اليوم تحديداً وهن لايرتدين سوي ملابسهن الداخلية كي يساهمن بذلك في اضفاء جو خاص ومتميز علي تلك المناسبة.

ولقيت تلك الدعوة استجابة جيدة من جانب الموظفات اذ ان اكثر من 90 في المئة منهن جئن الي العمل في ذلك اليوم بملابسهن الداخلية فقط، وهي الملابس التي أدت الي رفع درجة حرارة اجواء العمل، لاسيما بين زملائهم الرجال الذين راحوا يختلسون النظرات غير البريئة .

November 25, 2007

regatta hotel, dubai

See Touch Watch

Allow you to tell the time by nigth or if you're blind.
The top square is for the hour, and the bottom square is for the minutes (with a 5 minutes precision).

Use a Keyboard to Move the Mouse

Microsoft includes a feature in Windows that many people would love to use … if they knew about it. It’s the ability to completely control your mouse using only the keyboard, but since it is buried in the Accessibility Options a lot of people never know it’s there.
The feature is called MouseKeys, and once enabled you’ll be able to fully control your mouse using the number pad on your keyboard. One of the reasons that I use this from time to time is to move the mouse more precisely, which is extremely handy when doing graphics work.
So how do you enable the feature? Here are the steps needed for both Vista and XP…
Open up the Control Panel and type MouseKeys into the search box. Click on the option that says Move the pointer with the keypad using MouseKeys.
Check the corresponding box to turn on MouseKeys. For more advanced options (pictured to the right) you can click the Set up MouseKeys located underneath the checkbox.
Open the Control Panel, and click Accessibility Options.
Select the Mouse tab, and check the Use MouseKeys box to turn the feature on. For more advanced options you can click Settings

layers of art paint

This is an extreme closeup scan (2400 dpi) of a paint chip retrieved from the ruins of Belmont Art Park by Amy McKenzie earlier this year. The fragment is about 1cm thick, and appears to consist of about 150-200 layers of paint. (For a sense of scale, note the ridges of my fingerprint in the lower right.) This should give you an idea of the staggering number of pieces painted in this spot.The park used to be surrounded by one long wall covered with artwork, but that wall was illegally demolished by real estate developers earlier this year. over the decades.

Shark vs Octopus

the blue road

A 1000-meter stretch of road in Drachten (Holland) is now bright blue thanks to Henk Hofstra.

November 24, 2007

Ugly Celebrities

Michael Jackson
Donatella Versace
Marilyn Manson
Amy Winehouse
Steven Tyler

training soldires

deep search